We Made the News!
It’s been a busy news media week for the Friends of Pusch Ridge Golf.
On Mon. October 18th, local news channel KVOA Tucson aired a story about the golf course and the Friends involvement in getting the course to re-open. Special thanks to Chorus Nylander, KVOA’s Chief Investigation Reporter, who coordinated the interview and to Sasha Case (FOPRG social media team member) for being interviewed. The video and the full story can be seen here.
On Weds. October 20th, the Explorer Newspaper posted a guest commentary about the course. It was written by our own Lisa D’Angelo (FOPRG social marketing team member.) Read the entire article here.
Cactus Garden Renovation Recap and Part 2
On Thur. Oct. 21st, 15 Friends showed up early on the 1st tee with their rakes, hoes, shovels, smiles, and enthusiasm to help restore the Cactus Garden along the 1st tee.
At the outset, it appeared to be a big job, but many hands made light work and Tom Ellis, Parks Superintendent, was more than delighted with the outcome. The team worked hard as they pulled weeds, trimmed agave and cactus, and raked the two locations along the cart path. It’s hard to say how much dead material was cleared away, but there were several large piles and two large refuse trailers of debris to remove when the team left.
The team was expecting to plant the same day, but Tom prudently thought it best to clean up the volunteers' debris before attempting the new planting. As you can see from the picture below (that was taken 10-22-2021) the debris is all gone and the cactus garden is looking great - but bare!

We are now moving onto the “planting phase” and once again need your help. Please consider joining us on Thurs. Oct. 28th from 8:00 to 10:00AM to plant an assortment of new town-donated desert plants. No experience is needed as planting instructions will be given onsite.
This a great opportunity to revitalize the cactus garden ahead of the Oct 30th Friends Pre-Opening Day event and the public reopening on Nov 1st.
If you can spare the time and the energy (!), please join us by signing up at
October 30th Grand Pre-Opening Golf Event – Update
Two Afternoon Slots Just Opened Up! The $40 tournament entry includes a golf scramble and BBQ luncheon buffet. (Lunch starts at 12Noon, afternoon scramble starts at 2:00 PM) Register at https://www.friendsofpuschridgegolf.org/event-details/golf-lunch
It’s hard to believe that our Oct. 30th Grand Pre-Opening Golf event is just around the corner!!
The FOPRG team is busy making the final preparations to welcome our 104 golfers, 53 lunch only, and 33 hat sale guests. The event is shaping up to be an exciting day that will include two scrambles, a luncheon, vendor booths, putting contests, and lots of raffle prizes.
If you were lucky enough to be in one of the guest groups noted above - make sure to check your inbox on October 27th. That’s the day we plan to send out event email reminders that will contain very important event day details.
If you weren’t able to secure one of the coveted RSVPs mentioned above – not to worry. Consider being a part of the course gallery and cheer on your favorite players. The best places to cheer are near the 5th green by the N. Plaza de Corrida patio homes, and also at the 8th green. If you live on the course, step out your back or front patio and cheer the players on!