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January 14, 2025 News

Team member

Meet Cindy MacNider – Our New Golf Pro

We are excited to introduce our new Golf Pro at the Pusch Ridge Golf Course. Meet Cindy MacNider, a 34–year LPGA veteran! We had the opportunity to meet Cindy in the pro Shop and learn about her passion for golf, particularly as a teacher who encourages people to learn from the basics on up!

Cindy graduated from The University of Iowa with a marketing degree.  She played golf in high school, and her coach advised her to give up! WHAT?? After a ten-year gap and moving to the West – Cindy took a job driving the beverage cart at San Marcos in Chandler, AZ.  She met a gentleman who became her coach. She practiced all summer and then applied to the LPGA with a goal of becoming a teaching professional Her mission: “Become Everybody’s Biggest Fan.”

Cindy has worked as a Head Pro, Director of Golf, and restaurant manager in both the public and private golf sectors. Locally, she was the Head Pro at Vistoso and Arizona National. Five years ago, she bought a cabin in Pinetop and took a position at White Mountain. It's not a bad way to spend the summer in Arizona.

So what’s ahead? Cindy lives nearby in LaReserve. She’s part of our Oro Valley Community and supports responsible growth and a continued focus on being an amazing place to live, thrive, and retire. Beyond managing the Pro Shop Team, Cindy will be focused on group clinics and private lessons. Most importantly, she wants every player to leave with a smile on their face, saying, "I’m so glad I came to Pusch Ridge."

Stop in and say hello next time you visit the course. 

We left with big smiles on our faces after spending time with Cindy. Welcome!!

Anna and Carolyn, Proud Managers of the Prickly Pairs League

Adopt-a-Hole Volunteers Needed

As we reported in our last newsletter, the Pusch Ridge Golf course has implemented a new Adopt-a-Hole program.

Adopting a hole is easy. Keeping the hole manicured will provide good exercise, fun with family or friends, and, most importantly, provide a valuable contribution to the course!

Here is how it works:  As a hole “owner,” you will fill

  • divots in the fairways and tee boxes,

  • repair ball marks on the greens, and

  • rake sand in the bunkers on your adopted hole. 

You can do these repairs before or after play on any day.  The pro shop staff will provide a container of the necessary sand/seed mixture, which you can keep in your car or home for convenience. 

Owning a hole is particularly easy if you live on one of our beautiful Pusch Ridge holes. However, you need not live on the course to adopt a hole. 

The program currently needs “owners” for #3, #5, #7, and #8. One volunteer would be willing to share ownership of #3, as it is a large hole.

Sign up soon!  Help make the Pusch Ridge course the pride of the Town!

Visit the pro shop and talk to them, or email us at


Water Hints 

As part of FOPRG’s new mission to be water advocates, below are seven easy ways YOU can help save water for our community.

1.      Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth.

2.      Only run the washing machine and dishwasher when you have a full load.

3.      Use a low-flow shower head and faucet aerators.

4.      Fix leaks.

5.      Install a dual flush or low-flow toilet or put a conversion kit on your existing toilet.

6.      Monitor your water usage on your water bill by using the Oro Valley WaterSmart Portal (registration info below)

7.      Share your knowledge about saving water through conservation and efficiency with your neighbors.


Register and use the Oro Valley WaterSmart Portal



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