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Reflecting on the Unforgettable Moments: What Made This Season Truly Special?

In this edition: Friends of Pusch Ridge Golf's new water mission, End of season recaps, Disc golf returns this summer.

FOPRG's New Path Forward


Thank you for supporting and enjoying the Pusch Ridge Golf Course! For the past three years, El Conquistador Golf and the Town of Oro Valley staff members have supported the growth of this 9-hole course as a "fast, fun and affordable" amenity. All ages and skill sets enjoy golfing Pusch Ridge.


The steady increase in play illustrates that the course has become a valuable recreational asset to the community.


  • 2019-2020 = 3,875 rounds

  • 2020-2021 = no play due to Covid

  • 2021-2022 = 15,248 rounds

  • 2022-2023 = 16, 529 rounds

  • 2023-2024 = 19,000 rounds


Even though we are not at the end of this season yet, it is possible that revenues may reach $500,000.


This is all great news!


As we move forward, we do not doubt that Friends of Pusch Ridge Golf (FOPRG) will continue to help market increased demand for play, and El Conquistador Golf will continue to improve the quality of the course operationally. 


However, potable water usage is an 'obstacle' that comes up often. 


Golf in the desert will always be considered incongruent to the natural environment. Its benefits will continue to be judged against its costs. Therefore, to help address this obstacle, we have added a new mission to our business plan: to become community water advocates focusing on education and potential conservation solutions.


FOPRG's new Water Advocacy mission is two-fold:

First – Inform our readers of water-saving techniques they can use in their homes. In our upcoming newsletters, we will share tips, strategies, articles and educational events on how homeowners can help save water. We predict that reducing household water usage could contribute up to a 10% saving offset for the course.


Second – Work cohesively with the Town and Indigo by suggesting ways to reduce water usage through possible actions like: reduced turf or turf replacement with more drought-resistant grass, efficient water equipment, new ways to audit water usage, etc.


We thank you again for your support and look forward to the future of this great course!


League Play is More Than Golf!


As noted above, the central focus of these past three years has been the successful growth of play at this beautiful course. Many must take a bow for this successful feat:  the Council and staff of the Town of Oro Valley; El Conquistador Golf and its amazing team; the dedicated Friends of Pusch Ridge Golf Board and Advisors and its' marketing partners, resorts and restaurants, not to mention the growing membership of the Friends organization itself.


As we reflect on the roller coaster ride that has been the history of this course, we want to shine a light on not only the total growth of play at Pusch Ridge, but also on the growth of league play and its impact on the communities and friendships these leagues have created-all thanks to the game of golf.


Despite the bridge on #7 being condemned this winter and a work-around marring the normal flow of play; and despite the several rainy and cold days that made play less desirable, more golfers enjoyed playing this course this past 8-month season than in recent history – nearly 19,000 rounds. 


Congratulations to all who have participated in this accomplishment – young, old, beginners, veterans, parents pushing strollers, all walks of life! But a special "well done" to those who played week after week in the four golf leagues that have made Pusch Ridge their home. 

The Quails, a handicapped women's league, has made Pusch Ridge its home for over 30 years. They contributed between 500-600 rounds of golf this season, playing every Tuesday morning. The second women's league, a non-handicapped league, known as the Flycatchers, contributed nearly 600 rounds on Thursday mornings and the Monday morning men's league (the Javelina's) totaled over 1,000 rounds. The fourth league, a casual mixed league known as the Prickly Pairs, turned in over 1,200 rounds, playing every Wednesday evening. Some league members played in multiple leagues, playing as many as 25 rounds for the season in each. 


Loyal play was not the only contribution these league members made, as many participated in after golf happy hours or lunches at partnership restaurants in Oro Valley, including Fork & Fire, Firetruck Brewing Co., The Landing, The Hoppy Vine and the Hilton El Conquistador Resort. These restaurants welcomed Pusch Ridge golfers with discounts, thanks to partnerships established through the FOPRG. Beyond the local after parties, the leagues were treated to BBQ's on the patio, tailgated in the parking lot while watching the sunset, and enjoyed lunches at members' homes.


We are sad the golf season at Pusch Ridge is drawing to a close on May 27th, and as the temps rise and the snowbirds head to their summer homes all over the country, we know that successful league play and continued growth will return in October.   


Pusch Ridge Golf – It's All About the People!

With any group, organization and community, there are heroes behind the scenes that many people are unaware of. Sometimes by design and sometimes because the people in the spotlight overshadow them…


For the last three years, the course has gradually taken shape with beautiful, elevated greens and carefully cut fringes - to help keep our golf balls from rolling down the hill - over and over and over again...It took some time, our requests were heard, and much appreciated improvements were made. Trees were trimmed and dead cacti were removed. It's not magic – it's the hard work of Rick, Duane and a few other El Con Golf soldiers that take great pride in the beauty of Pusch Ridge... Thank you for being so dedicated – you are truly appreciated!


Other heroes are Ron B., Brian, Gaby, Troy, Ron C., Bob, Brennan, Big Logan, Little Logan and Luke. They always greet us with a smile and make us feel like this is our own little country club… They know our names, clubs, cars, and even water bottles… Yep, we leave our stuff lying around, and somehow, items are always found and not lost. They are truly our friends and part of this magical community. 

Let's not forget Mark Thesing, Darryl Janisse, and the entire El Con Golf Team. Their professionalism and contributions to the leagues, events and daily management has been beyond generous… Yes – an over-used adage is appropriate – It takes a village… Our village is abundant with kind and selfless humans.


The leagues are full of fun and energetic people with incredible backgrounds… We have a former member of Holiday on Ice – who was married to a Hockey Star, Grade School and High School Teachers, Coaches, Nurses, Dentists, Business Owner's, Home Builders, Realtors, Lawyers, Engineers, Technology Guru's, Scientists, Financial Service Pro's, Pilots, Veterans, Parents, Grandparents, Wine Expert, Eye Guy,  Aerobics Instructor, Consultants, Marketing and Hospitality Experts, Sales, Medical Technology and on and on.   So - What's my point?


When we all get together, we are just "People…" Happy to be part of something that has grown into an unexpected, joyful experience. Beyond league play, many of us watch the golfers go by our homes daily. All ages and skill levels – riding, walking, laughing, celebrating, and occasionally not so happy! (That's golf!)


We want to start a Pusch Ridge Golf Blog to help celebrate and share all of your wonderful stories about the course!


Here are some questions/suggestions to help us get started:


  • How does Burt B. do it? Walk – Play – Drive a hot sports car?

  • What is Sharon's secret fudge recipe?

  • How did Michael C. get into making soup?

  • DeeAnn L., what's your favorite Quail's story?

  • What do you love about playing Pusch Ridge?

  • How did you discover the course?

  • Share your golf success stories over the past three years

  • What were your most exciting moments while playing the course?

Please email us at to share your stories. Include pictures if you would like.


Anna Bifano, Cub Reporter


Disc Golf Returns for Summer 2024


The Disc golf season at Pusch Ridge will run from June 1 – September 22, 2024. This summer timeframe will ensure no conflict with the established ball golf season and provide adequate time for overseeding in the fall. Daily hours of play will be 7:00 am to 7:00 pm Monday-Sunday. The expected peak times for use are late afternoons during the week and weekend mornings. For more details on the disc golf program, click here!


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